Hello I’m Monica!

I started my journey with reiki on a whim. I always knew that i was meant to help people but I didn’t know how to accomplish this in a way that was worthwhile to me. I tried different jobs and hobbies but i never felt like i was doing enough. Then the pandemic hit and i discovered reiki. When the world stopped moving, i started my journey. Now I am certified in Reiki 1 & 2 and continue to expand my knowledge to help others.

In november of 2024, I lost my soul cat which led me on a new path. It became important to me to help animals. i made it my mission to find a way to do this, and at first I was dreaming big. too big. and then i realized that I already have the tools i need to accomplish this goal.

I believe that it took me this long to realize my path for a reason, and I am passionate about helping you and/or your pet on your journey through this world.


Reiki levels I & II Training with reiki master Nicolette ficchi

INterested in learning more or scheduling a session?